Dear Landowners
An open letter from our CEO
Dear Landowner,
InterEarth provides an alternative business case and land use proposition to help address Australia’s ever increasing agricultural production challenges, especially those of low rainfall farmland. Our woody biomass production, harvesting and storage system is just another crop, but with reduced inputs and post-harvest costs. We are seeking to engage with landowners to purchase eligible woody biomass, to lease land for biomass storage, to enter in share production agreements, and to partly-to-wholly purchase land for our business.
Further we need rural locals with crop production, harvesting and materials handling expertise and a can-do attitude. You, or members of your family or your network are highly likely to have the skills and work ethic we value at InterEarth. New InterEarth employees will be at the forefront of a whole new industry, able to develop new careers in previously unimagined roles.
My personal guarantee to you is that InterEarth will be straightforward and transparent in all our dealings with you. We are well researched, we know our business, we speak in plain English, and treat all stakeholders with respect.
If you do business with InterEarth, we want you to be satisfied that we have delivered on our promises. If you are satisfied, we hope you will tell others of your positive experience. Ideally your decision to team up with us (in whatever way works for you) should be the best business decision you, or your family or friends, have ever made.
My family have been farming in the northern wheatbelt for many generations. I worked on the farm, and later in the agricultural services and mineral resources industry. I love the wheatbelt and have a genuine desire to see our small country towns reinvigorated through agronomic and economic diversification. I know the InterEarth system is a real, sustainable and technically viable option to help achieve this goal.
I look forward to discussing InterEarth with you and exploring opportunities for us to work together.
Yours sincerely,
Howard Carr